Acupuncture proven to reduce anxiety

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Researchers from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine investigated the efficacy of electroacupuncture body and scalp acupuncture points, alongside traditional acupuncture points and drug therapy to treat generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). This debilitating condition is characterised by excessive worry and a feeling of anxiousness, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, exhaustion and much more.

The researchers found the electroacupuncture group had a total effective rate of 96.7 per cent, the traditional acupuncture group had a total effective rate of 83.3 per cent and the drug therapy group had a total effectice rate of 73.3 per cent. Based on the findings they concluded that acupuncture is effective at reducing the symptoms of anxiety.

I regularly treat patients suffering from anxiety, fear and stress. To find out more information please call the clinic on 01323 819157.

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